
Submit an Event!

What's happening in the area? Share with other families!

By Bethany, Macaroni Kid Publisher June 27, 2017

Macaroni Kid publishers are infamous for finding out what's happening in their local areas, but we don't do it all on our own! 

Through the support of our local Macaroni Moms networks and local businesses, so often we find out what's happening through word of mouth.  Of course we enjoy scanning the local newspaper, calling businesses, checking out the event calendars of our favorite organizations, and getting the scoop on our favorite social media channels.  Each event we find feels like a small win for the local families we serve!

Do you know what's the easiest way for publishers to help spread the word about local happenings?  Through our handy "Submit an Event" page!

If there is a free local event happening in the area, submit it on this form.  You input the details for us and we're happy to share events that we think our community will find valuable!  

We also enjoy getting event info from local businesses that are hoping to sponsor the Macaroni Kid Dover website through a sponsored calendar event listing. (We love our sponsors!) Sponsorship and advertising info can be found here.  Feel free to email for more information on sponsorship.

Of course if you are loving this local content and the event calendar, subscribe to Macaroni Kid Dover's free weekly e-newsletter to have all of this local info send directly to your inbox!